Saturday, 14 January 2012

Melbourne Zoo

Hubby, Geekling and I took a trip to Melbourne over Christmas - New Years.  We visited lots of family and friends, went to our favourite restaurants and souvlaki place and of course went to a few tourist spots like the Queen Vic Markets, The Museum and the Royal Melbourne Zoo.  I have been dreaming of taking Geekling to the zoo since I was still pregnant!  I love Melbourne Zoo, and have so many memories of visiting with my family as a young girl.

Watching the bear

Geekling loved the animals (the ones he could see easily, nocturnal, distant or otherwise hiding animals were not interesting to him) but was not such a fan of the walking between exhibits.  By the end of the day we were all a bit weary of constantly picking him up, putting him down to walk, putting him in the stroller (which we took knowing how much walking would be involved).

Mummy and baby elephants in the feeding pen

I think it was especially valuable for Geekling to see the giraffes and elephants and get some idea of the scale of these large animals, something that isn't as obvious in books or in film.

Geekling loved the giraffe

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